IDA – Anniversary to the day of Katrina – WHAT ARE THE ODDS
Shut down until storm is over and then evaluate damage
20% US Crude
19% NatGas
Mkts Gap higher
Fertilizer, Nitrogen, Propane for drying, Building port issues where 50% of US exports
China – port congestion at Yangshan Deepwater Port in Shanghai nearing ½ year shipping delays on some containers. Fertilizer is one of TENS of thousands of containers sitting in wait.
Lots to digest tonight. Rains north of I-80 and harvest 1-2 weeks away and potential shipping delays are negative…but this other stuff is friendly
Be sure to watch Monday nights video.
Matt, Jim, Betsy and Bill are headed to Farm Progress. Be sure to swing by for Matt Bennett’s presentation at 9:00 am at the CaseIH tent.