ADMIS AM Comment 060723

AgMarket.Net Fundamental Video 022723
This is the AgMarket.Net Fundamental Video for this week. Also, if you plan to head to Orlando for Commodity Classic, please give us a shout. We will be at booth…

Video: A Recap of USDA’s Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report Within 1 Minute
Short on time? Aren’t we all. Here is a recap of USDA’s latest Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report within 1 minute. Robin Schmahl, branch manager of AgDairy, division of…

Monday Marketing Discussion for 3-28-22: Pre-Report Analysis, Watching Weather and Marketing Ideas
The AgMarket.Net team is back. Today, they look at the upcoming USDA report this week, digest the weather updates and share marketing ideas. -Betsy Jibben, AgMarket Consulting

Ukrainian Commodity Analyst: “The Key Problem is Fuel”
Betsy Jibben, AgMarket Consulting media director, interviews Elena Faige Neroba, a commodity analyst from Ukraine. In this exclusive interview, Elena shared what she knows about the agricultural space. She…

Conversations with the Co-Founders: “Quantify Worst-Case Scenarios But Stay Flexible” Says Bennett
Betsy Jibben, media director of AgMarket Consulting, catches up with AgMarket.Net co-founder Matt Bennett at Commodity Classic for this video clip of “Conversations with the Co-Founders.” “Do not get…

Video: A Conversation on Grain Marketing with Ed Usset with the Center for Farm Financial Management
Matt Bennett, co-founder of AgMarket.Net has a conversation with Ed Usset with the Center for Farm Financial Management at Commodity Classic about grain marketing at Commodity Classic. Check out their…

Video: Analysis of Updated CONAB Soybean Number
CONAB, Brazil’s government food supply agency, lowered its soybean estimates today. Jim McCormick, co-founder of AgMarket.Net breaks down the numbers.

AgMarket.Net Team Breaks Down USDA’s March WASDE Numbers
There’s no denying multiple world events have influenced the markets since the last report. Did it play into USDA’s March WASDE? The AgMarket.Net team breaks down the numbers and…

Weekly Market Discussion for 3-7-22: Crude Oil Frenzy, Wheat Markets Soaring and Pre-WASDE Expectations
The AgMarket.Net team is back again to discuss what is moving and impacting the market this week. Check out the team discussion here: