Good Morning! I hope you’re having a great weekend. I also hope your luck with Mother Nature has been good. I know many of you have talked about excessive rain…
Matt Bennett’s Mid-Week Commentary
Good Morning! I hope everyone is getting along ok. I know some of you are dealing with the most flooding you’ve ever seen, while others are still waiting for a…
Matt Bennett’s Weekend Commentary
Good Morning! I hope your week has been a good one and the weekend an enjoyable one. My week was an off week as I spent time in Tennessee at…
Matt Bennett’s Mid-Week Commentary
Good Morning! I hope your week is going great so far. My week is more or less an off-week. My wife’s family take a vacation every other summer as sort…
Matt Bennett’s Weekend Commentary
Good Morning! I hope you had a great week and weekend as well. The month of June for most of us is still busy with mowing, spraying and getting hay…
Matt Bennett’s Mid-Week Commentary
Good Morning! I hope you had a great start to your week. Our weekend was a good one with the rain event not amounting to much. While this time of…
Matt Bennett’s Weekend Commentary
Good Morning! I trust your week has been a productive one. My weeks have been productive for the most part, but with ballgames every night, it slows things down a…
Matt Bennett’s Mid-Week Commentary
Good Morning! I hope your week has gotten off to a productive start. Our week is going to be filled with ballgames, depending on how the weather treats us. Our…
Matt Bennett’s Weekend Commentary 060224
Good Morning! I hope you’ve had a productive week. The weather for many seems to have calmed down a bit. I know some are still struggling with saturated soils, but…
Matt Bennett’s Weekend Commentary
Good Morning! Depending on when you’re reading this, I hope you’re enjoying Memorial Day weekend. While we will enjoy a day off from the markets on Monday, it’s always been…